Watch Classic Tractor Fever on Saturdays at 12:30 pm EST and Mondays at 1:00 am EST on RFD-TV. Click HERE to see the full schedule on the RFD-TV network.
The Classic Tractor Fever television series is shown on a regular, weekly rotation on the RFD-TV network. RFD-TV network reaches over 35 million homes through cable and satellite providers.
For over twenty-five years, Classic Tractor Fever has been actively supporting and promoting the preservation of American agricultural history. CTF wants future generations to realize, understand, and appreciate the importance of our rural heritage.
Throughout those 25+ years, we’ve created millions of memories. CTF has discovered and captured the dedication, skills, and expertise of professional and amateur restorers/collectors of antique farm power equipment through both print and video.
In 2017 Classic Tractor Fever and Aumann Auctions created a joint partnership, which brought together the knowledge and resources of two of the most trusted names in vintage iron. The new shows are infused with knowledge and access that only Aumannʼs crew can bring. Through this new partnership weʼre able to tell more history, share more collector stories, produce “in the shop”, tips on tractor restorations and release online content to a new audience.
Our Host
Brian Baxter is the producer and host of the Classic Tractor Fever television series. For over 20 years, Brian has worked to promote the preservation of America’s agricultural history, classic farm tractors, and machinery. Though he did not grow up on a farm, Brian’s grandfather and Uncle did farm in Indiana with Farmall, Ford, and Oliver tractors. And, as a teenager, Brian spent part of one harvest season driving a 1949 Farmall M with a mounted two-row corn picker. Brian spent nine years as a television farm broadcaster. He began producing CTF in 1997.
Brian has interviewed collectors from all across the United States as they have shared their passion, knowledge, and personal stories. Classic Tractor Fever has covered classic tractors and tractor shows from coast-to-coast. They even covered a classic tractor plow day in Alaska.